Migration to PCS7 V8.2 of the water treatment plant in alhunayy

Case Study

Project objective

The process consists of a water supply and treatment plant.

The plant consists of 4 distinct parts, the main one where the water purification is performed and three intermediate pumping stations (Boosters) (50 km each) to carry the water to Riyadh. The objective of the project is the migration of the current control system PCS7 V6.2 to version V8.2; this involves the change of hardware (Servers, Clients and Engineering Station), as well as the update of the logic running in the different logic controllers (AS) of each area.

The planning of each of the steps to be performed, the order and timing of their execution have been paramount to minimize downtime of a critical infrastructure such as this one.

Technology used

  • The control system is based on Siemens Industry technology.
  • The distributed control system is developed on the PCS7 platform.
  • The Logic Controllers are of the S7-400 series.
  • Communications software: Simatic NET.
  • AS-OS communications: These are carried out using the ISO Industrial Ethernet protocol.
  • Monitoring redundancy through the use of a Client / Server architecture.

Beneficios obtenidos
El cliente cuenta con un sistema de tecnología puntera en una instalación aislada que le proporciona alta disponibilidad de producción en planta

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