We digitize your factory!
Innovative solutions to transform your business.

Better service

Comply with established deadlines and quality standards.

Leader in automation

We support our clients' development strategy in the areas of digitalization.

24/7 Support

Formed by experts in our products and services, who will help you solve any doubt or incident you may have.


23 years providing worldwide support.

La intranquilidad es la base del éxito.

In a nutshell

HEXA Engineers

We are an expert company in the automation of processes and the development of information systems that improve the tasks of supervision and industrial control through the latest technology.

Industrial automation

We GUARANTEE our clients the use of all the latest software and development tools in the services we offer.


We specialize in providing industry-leading technology that is perfectly suited to your facility.


SCADA systems keep your entire team aware of your processes, providing unprecedented access to key areas of your operation.


Expert support: we have certified technicians who can help you optimize your processes.

Contact us at

Experts in automation and computer systems

Work with a supplier with more than 23 years of experience providing technology solutions.

Industrial software

At HEXA we value the needs of our clients and we offer integral solutions tailored to their needs.


Process traceability is achieved by associating specific codes with each product or batch to record when, where and how they are produced.


The ability to interface different technologies and solutions will enable you to digitize your factory.


MES/MOM systems enable your enterprise resource planning and control (ERP) systems to exchange data in real time.


Batch processing gives you full control of the process while minimizing supervision.


We develop customized information management software using the most innovative technology.


Work at HEXA Ingenieros

Be part of an innovative company in technology. If you feel you are one of the best professionals in the market, this is the place for you. Send us your resume and tell us why you want to work with us and what makes you special.

Fill in the form and attach your CV

    Los datos personales solicitados a través de este formulario son los mínimos necesarios para tender su solicitud y serán tratados por HEXA INGENIEROS,SA,con CIF/NIF A82892886, y dirección en C/ SIERRA DE CAZORLA, Nº1, EDIFICIO ÉLITE, LAS ROZAS (28290), MADRID de acuerdo a lo establecido en nuestra POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDAD con la finalidad de poder atender cualquier consulta que realice desde este formulario.

    Los datos recabados por este formulario no se cederán a terceros salvo por obligación legal.

    Le recordamos que usted tiene derecho al acceso, rectificación, limitación de tratamiento, supresión, portabilidad y oposición al tratamiento de sus datos dirigiendo su petición a la dirección postal indicada o al correo electrónico administracion@hexaingenieros.com Igualmente puede dirigirse a nosotros para cualquier aclaración adicional.


    We analyze your processes and propose technological solutions to optimize them.


    The perfect solution for your specific problem is not so far away, when HEXA Ingenieros becomes your consultant of reference.


    Process automation consulting, including possible installation and incorporation of SCADA, DCS, batch processing systems.


    Our relationship with clients and suppliers maintains the confidentiality relations that guarantee professional secrecy.

    comments and reviews

    Our customers

    Our customers inspire us to innovate and improve every day. We value their opinion and their satisfaction.

    Alberto Diez
      Alberto Diez

      Control Engineer at Mars

      HEXA engineers is a reference in its sector. The daily work with them becomes a synergy in which reactivity, professionalism and knowledge come together to achieve success in each of the projects. The good work and their extensive experience makes Hexa a company in which to trust our projects.

      Ricardo Blecua Morales
        Ricardo Blecua Morales

        Information Systems Manager at IMBISA- Imprenta de Billetes

        In a very high security environment such as ours, Hexa Ingenieros has been providing its services for more than 15 years, collaborating with us to improve industrial and traceability processes, and to implement the new banknote production plant commissioned by the Bank of Spain.



          The collaboration and identification of needs by the staff of HEXA Ingenieros in our activity makes it one of the most important suppliers in Azuqueca's organization. From 24-hour support for problems in process to the development of innovative projects, their presence is fundamental. Together, with HEXA, we will achieve success.

          Pedro Elorriaga
            Pedro Elorriaga

            Commercial Director at CONTAVAL

            HEXA INGENIEROS is synonymous with technology, professionalism and reliability. Going hand in hand with HEXA is always a safe bet. We feel fortunate to be able to share so many projects with you, because if your technical level is high, your human side is even better. THANK YOU.

            Federico Granda
              Federico Granda

              PROCESS ENGINEER in Becton Dickinson

              Hexa ingenieros is a benchmark for teamwork, providing practical and imaginative solutions. Flexible and reactive, very good implementation and service. Someone to trust!

              Sergio Garcia
                Sergio Garcia

                Molding Process Engineer in Becton Dickinson

                The degree of involvement, effort and attention to detail that Hexa Ingenieros offers is what makes the difference between something good and something excellent.

                Andrés Asenjo
                  Andrés Asenjo

                  CEO at APEIN

                  Hexa Ingenieros is a reference in the industrial sector. Seventeen years working together make us have an extensive endorsement of praise. To speak of Hexa Ingenieros is to speak of a responsible, dynamic, innovative, evolving company with resolutions to every technological challenge. Thank you very much for continuing to be part of us.


                  Latest blogs and articles

                  Here are some recent blogs and articles that may interest you.

                  HEXA Ingenieros & ORACLE Partner

                  En nuestro constante compromiso con la excelencia, y siempre buscando alianzas estratégicas en beneficio de nuestros clientes, nos enorgullece anunciar que Hexa Ingenieros…

                  Partners are essential


                  We have established agreements with different hardware and software manufacturers that allow us to have the latest technologies and tools for the development of our projects.

                    Los datos personales solicitados a través de este formulario son los mínimos necesarios para tender su solicitud y serán tratados por HEXA INGENIEROS,SA,con CIF/NIF A82892886, y dirección en C/ SIERRA DE CAZORLA, Nº1, EDIFICIO ÉLITE, LAS ROZAS (28290), MADRID de acuerdo a lo establecido en nuestra POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDAD con la finalidad de poder atender cualquier consulta que realice desde este formulario.

                    Los datos recabados por este formulario no se cederán a terceros salvo por obligación legal.

                    Le recordamos que usted tiene derecho al acceso, rectificación, limitación de tratamiento, supresión, portabilidad y oposición al tratamiento de sus datos dirigiendo su petición a la dirección postal indicada o al correo electrónico administracion@hexaingenieros.com Igualmente puede dirigirse a nosotros para cualquier aclaración adicional.

                    contact us


                    We will be happy to assist you and answer your questions or concerns. Your opinion is very important to us and helps us to improve every day. Thank you for trusting Hexa.

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