How we work

KNOWING the customer's needs, how he works, what he needs, how he needs it and when he needs it are the first steps to be defined.

COLLECT, economic information, necessary human resources and material resources are part of this first stage of the process.

PLANNING the work in detail can optimize the performance obtained by the customer by minimizing possible production stoppages.

DETAILING and specifying all the steps to be taken during the project provides assurance to the client of the correct implementation of the project and guarantees the success and involvement of both parties.

IMPLEMENTATION of the work defined in the previous phase with care and detail so as not to deviate from the scope of the project.

CONTROLLING the deviations that can always arise, the sooner the problem is addressed and the customer is notified, the more control both parties will have over the implementation of the project. Information is the key.

The MAINTENANCE of the installation to avoid possible production stops is a service that has always been provided by HEXA. Not only as an after sales service but also as a guarantee of the quality of the service offered by Hexa.

The TRAINING of the personnel who operate and maintain the plant strengthens the relationship between both parties to go hand in hand towards the future. Good training minimizes problems and involves the personnel in proposing improvements.

DEFINE the new method. From there, we send the new method to all relevant staff members through demonstrations.

IMPLEMENT the new method. We recognize that staff members need work experience for the new business process; we take the time to work through each specific phase of the installation.
MONITOR the implementation of the new standard once the results are achieved and compare them to the objectives.

We have already said that the HEXA - client relationship we try to maintain and many of our clients can ratify it, so at this point we would start again with a new and exciting project.